Many More Parts Than M!: Videos
Many More Parts than M! Reimagining Disability, Access and Inclusion beyond Compliance is a prototype compendium by The DisOrdinary Architecture Project exploring how to engage with built environment accessibility in ways that take us beyond conventional checklists, templates, design guidance and legal compliance. The compendium includes a create a rich catalogue of alternative concepts, stories, artistic work and architectural details that can creatively and critically inform design thinking and practice. You can find out more about the compendium here.
As part of the Many More Parts than M! project, we asked some of our many contributors to talk about what they are doing in their work connected to the topic. These nine videos can be accessed via QR codes in the hard copy or PDF version of the publication, or can be accessed below. All videos have English Captions available.
Questions that disabled architects always get asked: Roseanne Scott
Length: 2 mins 55 secs.
Talking about Crip Time: Helen Stratford and Raquel Meseguer-Zafe
Length: 7 mins 58 secs.
Why DAF and the Signstrokes project are urgently needed: Chris Laing
Length: 14 mins 15 secs.
London launch of Many More Parts than M!.
Length: 1 hour 19 mins 57 seconds mins.
Recommended starting place: panel discussion at 22:23 mins.