TU Berlin

TYPE: Intervention

YEAR: 2024


A photo showing a colourful series of signs in English and German, including ‘Fill the Gap’ and images of illustrated buildings and people.

The DisOrdinary Architecture Practice collaborated with the Diversity and Equality Working Group at The Institute of Architecture (IfA) at the Technical University Berlin to co-design a creative intervention during their annual conference.  The aim of the project was to transform the experience of the daily coffee break into a space for critical reflection that raises awareness about biases in our spatial and educational practice. 


Organised around 4 ‘stations’ which conference participants could choose, and facilitated by working group members alongside Jos Boys (The DisOrdinary Architecture Project) and Noa Winter (disabled artist based in Berlin), the session offered time to reflect on embodied difference, care, rest as resistance and collectivity.  


'Creatures from the Queercrip Lagoon' (2024)


Many More Parts than M! (2023-4)