Making Dis/Ordinary Spaces
TYPE: Workshop
YEAR: 2023-24
LOCATION: London and Manchester
Disabled Artists Making Dis/Ordinary Spaces (DAMD/OS) was a project funded by Arts Council England (ACE) and brought together disabled artists with architectural students, educators and professionals, to develop new ways of working together around the design of built space.
The project involved co-creating prototype activities in three UK universities and explored how to increase the capacity of, and opportunities for, disabled artists to work in various roles across built environment related education and practice; and to act as innovative influencers on the design of built space.
This project ended in June 2017, with a public event at the Bartlett School of Architecture, where participants discussed the activities; explored what we could learn about how to think/do disability and inclusion in much more creative ways within architecture and the built environment; and plotted many new activities.
You can learn more about the three projects below.
Making Dis/Ordinary Spaces Overview
Video Length: 4 mins 26 secs.
Project 2: Tilted Horizons at Westminster
Westminster University Interior Architecture, with artist Liz Crow annd educator Julia Dwyer. Video length 4 mins 49 seconds.
Project 1: Sound Marks at CASS
CASS Foundation London Metropolitan University, with artist Joseph Young and educator Chi Roberts. Video length 3 mins 56 seconds.
Project 3: Age Friendly Ideal Home Project at Manchester School of Architecture
Manchester School of Architecture, with artist Zoe Partington and educators Stefan White and Helen Ashton. Video length 4 mins 50 seconds.